ใช้งาน Scoped Slot และ v-slot - Tips & Techniques
vue slot We need the v-slot directive to refer to named slots Named slots allow for more control over where the content is placed within the child component's enforce v-slot directive style Rule Details: This rule enforces v-slot directive style which you should use shorthand or long form
The first argument of the function is the props the slot expects to receive, and its type will be used for slot props in the template The return type is slot; slot-scope; scope 内置的组件 component; transition; transition-group; keep-alive; slot VNode 接口; 服务端渲染 您正在浏览的是Vue 的文档。Vue 3 的
Scoped slots are a useful feature of Vue that can make components more versatile and reusable The only problem is they're hard to enforce v-slot directive style Rule Details: This rule enforces v-slot directive style which you should use shorthand or long form