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pre flop hand strenght

Starting Hand Selection

Starting Hand Selection

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pre flop hand strenght

Starting Hand Selection pre flop hand strenght With a simple Omaha hand matchup like this, we can see suitedness has a big effect on the preflop equities and relative hand strength Post-flop playability of pretty baccarat 88 In no-limit hold'em, most hands miss most flops, so you should only play hands that have a reasonable chance of connecting with the flop in some meaningful way

pretty baccarat 88 In the last episode of 2019, we talk about relative hand strength and the recent hand where poker pro, Kym Lim, folds quads on the river!

premium gold 168 Re: Hand strength and sizing on the flop Great thank you So my start should probably be using using default stat Cbet flop in non 3bet+ pots To calculate the hand strength, sum the ranks of the two cards, add the suit and position bonuses, and subtract the opponent aggressiveness

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