Kukai Wallet

THB 1000.00
kukai wallet

kukai wallet  Simply head to and follow the steps on screen to create your wallet You can find the address to deposit your funds in the account Following Kukai's recent update we caught up with Kukai lead developer Klas Viktor Harrysson from Tezos Commons to discuss the evolution of

Kukai Wallet users: we are seeing more malicious websites imitating Kukai, including using paid @GoogleAds to promote their website  Join us as Kukai Mobile Lead Simon McLoughlin discusses the beta release of the Kukai mobile app and shares his journey of joining the Tezos

Check out the new features of Kukai that includes DirectAuth! You can now access your wallet with a RedditTwitterGoogle account and be tezos #xtz #kukai Kukai Wallet: Delegate to Canadian Bakin': tz1Yjryh3tpFHQG73dofJNatR21KUdRDu7mH Choose a Public Baker:

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